it's cold outside & maria is wearing her chocolates skirt...
she hopes that at some point these chocolates can melt peoples heart...
& help them to get through this cold day!
i don´t want to find u again...
thanks for letting me fly...
for letting me realize how stronger i am,
& how happy i can be!

maria triste!

y en mi cabeza...

ya están las imágenes...

los conejos bailando...
papeles cortados...
muchas guías!!!

papeles... y telas...
necesito mi maquinaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

mis manos te extrañan... quieren sentir otra vez distintos materiales...
quiero volver a unir y empatar!

quiero tantas cosas...


i was walking the other day...

& i realized how i want the things to be...

if they're suposed to happen...

so i left my heart there...

if u want it...

u can go & run with it... make it go faster...

now that spring it's coming...

u can share with it a picnic...

& in the nights...

let yours dance with it!